Friday, April 14, 2017

Personalize Your Experience with the NKU Institution for Talent Development and Gifted Studies

The NKU Institute for Talent Development and Gifted Studies is dedicated to developing collaborative, meaningful partnerships with businesses, community agencies, and educational institutions in support of high potential and gifted youth.

In today’s world where information is coming to you from all angles--text messages, emails, Facebook, etc.--personalized, relevant information is more important than ever, and is also harder to find.

Our Institution recognizes this, and we are taking an innovative step to save you time when communicating news and content.

In order to provide more meaningful, useful and timely information, the NKU Institute for Talent Development and Gifted Studies will now allow you to self-select the topics you wish to see from us, on a schedule of your choosing and in the format that you want.

Our content is now delivered YOUR way, growing that educational, engaging experience that is the foundation of our Institute’s mission.

Interested in student stories, but not upcoming conferences? Your newsletter will only give you the information you want to know about, saving you time and allowing you to stay connected with what you love most.

The first personalized newsletters will arrive next week, so be on the lookout for your unique experience! If you would like to be included on our list, please email with your name and email address.

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