Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Power of Debate

Washington, Adams, Lincoln. What do these three names have in common? 

They have shaped the course of history with the power of debate. Debate is a key component to the advancement of society, policy, and the world. With so many different viewpoints, ideas, and people involved, it is very easy for meaningful debate to be lost and for ideas that would better the world, to be lost. The ability to debate and to feel comfortable doing so is what turns bright minds into those who will change the world.

In today’s world a dwindling amount of people are willing to thrust themselves into conversations about intense issues and say what is on their mind. It is critical that the next generation abandon their comfortable entrenchment to advance conversation and the world. Placing an emphasis on debate is how our global community will grow stronger economically, socially, and technologically. In every career, meaningful debate is a quintessential component of excellence.

Camp Innovation: Pathways to College at Northern Kentucky University is offering “Debate Club” this spring as part of our catalog of courses. Debate Club will help to develop the minds of tomorrow into compelling debaters and leaders in their future careers. Courses like this are how young minds turn into those who will change the world. For more information, visit

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